
Organic Certificates

organic standard certificate

certification summary


→ Certificate confirms the compliance of Land (Zemlia) Organic with the organic production standards of the EU and Switzerland.

→ Certificate provides the full compliance with the standards of annual scheduled and unscheduled inspections. This certificate is valid until 12/31/2020 until the next inspection.

→ To control the Organic process on the farm, we maintain a Organic Diary with a description of all cultivation, fertilization, sowing, harvesting and other activities that must be in place with a well-established organic process.

→ This certificate certifies the organic nature of the following product categories of Land (Zemlia) Organic: raspberries, frozen raspberries, rhubarb, garden strawberries, buckwheat, lettuce, peppermint, parsnips, basil, tomato, cherry tomatoes, asparagus beans, peas, garlic, beetroots, zucchini, leek, spinach, watercress, cauliflower, broccoli, savory, celery, peppers, carrots, red carrots, onions, gourd, radish, parsley, chard, artichoke, common beans (Japanese, beans) kale).